Tuesday 4 May 2010

Be Reiki.

Reiki has been around me ever since I have started to (knowingly) form myself. I don't know whether I was told or I somehow knew it, but it was perfectly clear to me, that my dad is a natural healer (unfortunately, never really followed his talent). Still, as a result of his deepest urge to massage people, it is absolutely normal for me and my sister to happily stick our foot into the hands of our loved ones while lying on the couch watching TV. With our parents back home, we even managed to take it to such a level, that we actually ended up massaging each others feet simultaneously!

So, where is the Reiki connection, you might ask.
I come from a post-communistic country, which means, that not many things managed to leak through the iron wall. There were just few Beatles songs, tangerines and bananas once a year on Christmas, and few books on Yoga.
After November '89, things loosened up, and as the first swallows of esoteric/new age/mumbo-jumbo books made their way to Slovakia - voila, ended up also on the bookshelf of my parents.
Thus, as a teenager, I was going through my high school compulsory reading, and at the same time I had the great opportunity to learn about things like meditation, Higher Self, visualisation, self-healing. That's how I came into contact with Reiki. Now, living in Central Europe, being not even 18, you can imagine how far away Japan must have seemed to me :)
But, as I said before - you learn and learn, and still die knowing nothing.

Few years ago, I was told by my Royal Astrologer that I also have the gift of healing, but still have to find the right way to express it. Well, I have been walking in the dark on this one, up till last ca 12 months.
It started with me buying books on reflexology - I simply love this type of massage, and everytime Im being massaged, I regret I only have one pair of feet.
Together with my pre-programming from home, I guess it was logical, that I was more and more interested in nuts and bolts.
Inbetween, I have succesfully massaged all my family members back home, as well as Stuipje here in our mini-family in Seoul.

After almost 1 year in Korea, it suddenly occured to me: Reiki-Japan-Korea - man, I will never be this close to the Reiki training! And so I went online. After ca 10 minutes of intuitive googling I ended up with two western-sounding names. I chose the one a liked better, and sent an e-mail.
Now I am a happy Reiki Level I practicioner, and I have to say it is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me (if we don't count meeting Stuip). Not only I can help myself, and people I love, but I also have met many like-minded people - because Reiki goes hand in hand with personal growth, shifts in awareness etc. Slowly and amazingly I am healing my life.

So, I guess I have found my way of expressing my healing skills - but Im also leaving the ends open, because Life is great, and, at least with me and my Dory-sydrome, full of surprises and new things every single day.

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