Thursday 27 May 2010

Messing with subconsciousness?

I read a forum the other day. A young mother was looking for a cure for her little daughter. Not a serious medical issue, just serious enough to be worried about.

Somewhere along the way she bumped into Reiki. There are many Reiki practitioners in my country (it was a Slovak lady on a Slovak website), so the term Reiki is not unknown at all.

Now, what I really appreciate, is that this mom was actually open to alternative medicine, and she did not rely entirely on the prescriptions of her family doctor.
Another thing I appreciate is that she was looking for people who do have some experience with Reiki, who can tell her something about it, and she can then make her own decision.
As it goes on inernet forums, she got all kinds of answers from all kinds of people. It was the usual mixture of "never-ever" and "you-absolutely-must-try-it" and everything in between. And then there was The Opininon.

The One which inspired me to write this article.
This person wrote, in a kind of secretive tone, that there are things around us which should not be tempered with. One of these things, she claims, is our subconsciousness.
Then she went on about a guy she knew, who, after his Reiki courses, went completely insane, and ended up in a mental institution.
Now, Im not going to talk about the fact that the poor chap might have been unlucky enough to meet a charlatan, or that he probably would have gone mad anyway, and Reiki was just a trigger.
But to get back to our story, the bottom line was: don't you dare trying Reiki on the poor kid, if you do, she will meet the same sad fate like the guy described above.

I want to scream from rooftops: if you are afraid of anyone messing with your subconsciousness, you do a better job not watching TV and commercials.
Your kid gets more subliminal messages from watching an "innocent" TV show (which will be interrupted by commercials ca 3 times).
The human brain was originally designed to work with images, preferably those we create ourselves in our mind's eye (hence the expression).
Thats why all the mumbo-jumbo people, who try to teach you how to visualize, are actually right. What you see is what you get - literally.
Now think of the mess you allow to stream into your subconsciousness, if you watch TV all night.

Great day to everyone, keep calm and carry on.

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